I love elections because it provides us with an opportunity to go out and elect the people who we want to represent us in everything from State, Local and Federal government and while we often complain about our elected officials, we continue to reelect the same people over and over again. I know that most people are extremely happy or sad about the results of the election, but frankly I don’t care either way since I once again voted for none of the above knowing that neither presidential candidate represents my core beliefs.
Rather than writing about the presidential election, I much prefer the ballot initiatives in Washington State and Colorado legalizing marijuana (pot). For years now, several states have nipped around the edges of this issue by making Pot legal for medical use in small amounts, but what happened in these two states is not only historic, it’s very much long overdue. I know that some of my more conservative friends are probably falling out of their chairs and driving off the road reading this, but perhaps I can help you better understand where I’m coming from, so please keep reading before you label me insane.
First, let me tell you that I’m not for legalization because I smoke Pot, I don’t and have not for almost 30 years, but I can remember the days when I made a very serious effort to smoke up the entire country of PanamaJ I’m for legalization because it simply makes sense from a legal, financial and law enforcement standpoint. I know that people will say that alcohol is legal so we shouldn’t compare it to Pot, but how can we not? Have you ever heard of a case where a marijuana user got high and caused an accident, beat up his/her spouse, plowed their car into a crowd, or wrapping a car around a light pole? You don’t see these things because in practice they don’t happen. If a person high on Pot is driving, they generally can only be arrested or ticketed for going too slow, and if they do hit something, they are generally moving so slow that there isn’t much damage if any. Alcohol drinkers on the other hand generally drive faster, are all over the road and when there is an accident lots of damage results. This isn’t really a case for outlawing alcohol, but it is in my view a good case for Pot legalization.
Marijuana not only makes you high, it makes you happy, in fact, Korean people call it “Happy Smoke”. Many people who drink get drunk and want to fight, and act ignorant while people who smoke Pot get high, start to smile and laugh while looking for something to eat before they go to sleep. Again, I don’t want to outlaw alcohol, just legalize PotJ
Let’s look at the money side of Pot legalization shall we? Legalization provides another revenue source for State, Local and the Federal Government as Pot would be taxed like other tobacco products. Think of the money that would be saved by law enforcement. We currently spend billions every year trying to control the marijuana trade from Mexico and other countries and that doesn’t count the money that our government gives to Mexico’s government to help them fight the so called War on Drugs. Think of the money that we currently spend prosecuting people for small amounts of marijuana, and in many cases even putting them in jail where we the taxpayers have to feed and shelter them for crimes that are legal in many European countries. Think of it, a kid gets caught with less than one ounce of marijuana and his/her life could be ruined forever and ultimately the rest of us pay when they can’t get jobs, or drop out because of the stigma associated with their arrest. Legalization allows the police and DEA to concentrate on real criminals peddling drugs that should be illegal in quantities that should never be legal. I know that we’ve turned law enforcement in America into a for profit business, but at some point we have to wake up and realize that although businesses are now running many of our jails and prisons, ultimately we the taxpayers are paying the bills.
Our politicians are always talking about creating more jobs, how many new workers would convenience and grocery stores will need to sell all of the additional chips, cupcakes and Slim Jims required to feed Pot Heads seeking munchies?
History tells us that if you outlaw vices, people will find a way to get to them anyway, legal or not. Don’t forget, we tried to outlaw alcohol in the 1930’s, and it failed miserably. Whether you agree or not, I think that the day is not far off when you’ll be able to go into your local Sheetz, WaWa or Seven Eleven and buy a pack of your favorite marijuana cigarettes, head home with your Swenk snacks, get fired up, eat and watch cartoonsJ
“I’m Just Sayin”