For more than two years now I’ve listened to people complain about everything from the economy to the state of American Society, and more than 90% of that talk has been negative. Every day, our politicians, news people and even the man on the street don’t seem to see the glass as being half full, but totally empty with no hope of being refilled, so I thought I would examine a couple of the things that so many seem to think is so bad.
Jobs – While the politicians and news guys all seem to think that everyone in America is unemployed, someone should remind them that in a country of more than 350 million people, if 23 million are unemployed, that means that 92% of the country is employed. In Northern Virginia where I live, that percentage is probably closer to 96 or 97% and frankly I don’t know a single person who is either unemployed or under employed. If you consider that many unemployed people have specific criteria that need to be met before they will even consider taking a job, the unemployment rate is significantly lower than advertised. Let’s take a look at some of those criteria and possible solutions. I can’t take that job, it doesn’t pay enough. Really, if it doesn’t pay enough, then get a second job to help get by until you can do better, myself and many others I know have worked two jobs and it didn’t kill us, there’s no reason to think it will hurt you. That job’s in another state, I can’t move. Why the hell not? Let’s see, you’re unemployed and someone is willing to give you a job, but you can’t move? I know, your family is in that crappy town that you grew up in and you just can’t bring yourself to leave. Not to worry, the Greyhound will bring you back for a visit once you make some money at that new JOB! My favorite excuse is the person who says “I make more by collecting unemployment”. My solution for you is get a job you @!#$% A-Hole. Do you have any idea what the employment rate would be if we all thought like these dumb asses?
Americas Greatness – The other area where I constantly hear folks complain is about the greatness that is America is in decline. Clearly these people live in a different America than I do. If you think that America is in decline, ask any immigrant from anywhere in the world who has come here for economic freedom and opportunity. When people come here from other countries, they recognize the greatness that is America, they love the fact that in this country you always have the opportunity to succeed if you’re just willing to sacrifice and work hard enough. Those folks aren’t worried about who the president is, or what a bunch of A-Holes we have in the congress, their focused on achieving the American dream. I hear people say things like “Obama is ruining the country, or the Republicans are driving us over a cliff and both groups know that their statements aren’t true, yet they continue to spout their quackery in an effort to impress and confuse the ignorant and misinformed. According to people like Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Sean Hannity and the rest of the left/right talking heads, not only is America in decline, it’s totally the fault of anyone who doesn’t think or look like they do! I sometimes find it hard to believe that not only do people listen to such idiots they actually believe what they hear and walk around spouting the same nonsense in public. The truth is that most of the people following this line of thinking identify themselves by who they voted for in the last election or who they plan to vote for in November. The problem with that kind of thinking is that it’s closed minded which leaves little room for reason or alternative thought. If you’re one of these people I suggest that you consider the following, “Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow”. What this quote means to you Mr.& Mrs. Democrat and Republican is open your mind to some alternative thought, perhaps you’ll find that your party isn’t right all of the time, there may actually be alternatives to what the radical left and right have to say. America is not be perfect, it never has been and never will be, but this is still a great country that isn’t in decline, but rather is being destroyed from within by the very people who claim to care the most about its success. Maybe rather than following the politicians, talking heads and news media down the negative path, perhaps we should push those idiots aside take this great country back for the sane amongst us and head down a more positive road.
I’m Just Sayin